
  • AccuWeather this one minute and 15 second video illustrates how tornadoes are formed and shows moving images of actual tornadoes.
  • American Meteorological Society Glossary of Meteorology searchable database of terms
  • CT WEATHER current documented information about weather information from The Connecticut Weather Center, Inc.
  • National Data Buoy Center part of the National Weather Service (NWS) the NDBC maintains a network of weather data collecting buoys and coastal stations
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tornado Safety Guide information on the National Severe Storms Laboratory page on the NOAA website explains both how citizens should prepare for tornadoes and how they should respond to tornado watches and warnings.
  • National Weather Service comprehensive weather information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • National Weather Service-Climate this section of the National Weather Service site allows users to click on a map and be taken to the local Weather Service forecast office
  • NOAA Storm Events users of this site can search this database for specific weather patterns (hail, wind speed, location, etc.) to discover when and where storms of a particular type have struck in the United States
  • NOAA’s Weather Observations Educational Resource plans, multimedia presentations and links to Doppler and satellite images
  • Ready Kids The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) teamed up with the Department of Homeland Security to create the Ready campaign to prepare Americans for emergencies. This site for kids provides information on tornadoes, hurricanes and other weather events and also has games.
  • StormReady weather safety links to information on different types of severe weather such as heat waves, hurricanes, floods, etc.
  • The Tornado History Project users of site can search for storms in the United States by dates and locations and learn about the specific injuries and deaths associated with specific storms. The database contains details about storms from 1950 to the present (photos and videos are included for more recent events)
  • Weather Channel world weather
  • Weather Underground local, national, and international weather and weather related information
  • Weather Wiz Kids this site was created by meteorologist Crystal Wicker to teach kids all about weather. The tornado page describes what tornadoes are, how they are formed, other weather phenomena associated with tornadoes and safety tips.
  • Wild Wild Weather Dan Satterfield, meteorologist and Earth Science blogger for the American Geophysical Union, created this site to share his love for weather. The page about tornadoes describes why they occur, shoes current warnings across the U.S. and links to instructions for making your own tornado.
  • World Meteorological Organization world weather and climate information from the United Nations
  • WW2010: The Weather World 2010 Project collection of meteorology guides–light and optics, clouds and precipitation, etc.
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