
  • Background Notes information on the countries of the world from the U.S. Department of State
  • BBC Country Profiles history, economy and politics of countries and territories from the British Broadcasting Company
  • Country Briefings profiles, news and statistics on countries from “The Economist” magazine
  • Country Studies extensive description and analysis of historical setting and social, economic and political systems of countries throughout the world from the Federal Research division of the Library of Congress
  • EmbassyWorld directory of contacts for world embassies and consulates, includes nation to nation calling code instructions and links to maps
  • Foreign Government Resources on the Web background information and information on politics, elections, constitutions and laws, embassies, etc. of foreign governments from the University of Michigan Library Documents Center
  • globalEDGE business and country information with over five thousand annotated internet resources–from the Center for International Business Education and Research at Michigan State University
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development statistical information, social and economic issues — by country or by topic
  • World Digital Library from the Library of Congress and UNESCO, cultural treasures from around the world, manuscripts, maps, rare books, etc.
  • World Factbook extensive information on the countries of the world from the Central Intelligence Agency
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