Library Board of Trustees


William O’Brien, Chairperson
Patricia Najarian, Vice Chairperson
Lori Conant
Janet Tynan
Lauresha Xhihani
Laurie Morrone, Board Secretary
Crystal Caouette
Tori Davis

2024 Meetings

January 8th
February 5th
March 4th
April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd

July 1st
August 5th
September 9th
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd

The Library Board of Trustees meets the first Monday of the month at 7 pm
*in 2007 PA 07-227 replaced the term board of directors with board of trustees

Board Bylaws
Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

For Building Committee Minutes, see our Library Expansion page

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