Wolcott Public Library has eliminated overdue fees on most items!

Why did the Wolcott Public Library eliminate overdue fines?
To encourage library use! Studies show that small fines do not impact return rates, but patrons with fines are more likely to never return to the library.
Will overdue fines be waived on all materials?
Most items, including books, movies, board games & puzzles will have their fines waived once they are returned. Museum Passes, Chromebooks, Hotspots & STEAM Kits will still have late fees.
Replacement fees for lost or damaged items will still be charged. There is still a library card replacement fee.
Do I still have to pay a fine that was on my account prior to the library going fine free?
If you’ve returned all fine free materials to the Wolcott Public Library, your fine has been waived.
Won’t people just check things out and never return them?
“No fines” does not mean “no responsibility.” Regular due dates still apply. Items more than 14 days overdue are assumed lost and you will be billed for the replacement cost. However, if you return the items, the replacement costs will be cleared from your account.
Borrowing privileges for library cards with a balance of $5 or more will be suspended until you return or replace the item or pay the replacement cost. Your borrowing privileges from all Bibliomation libraries must be in good standing in order to borrow books from the Wolcott Public Library.
Will I still receive reminders about returning materials?
You will still receive courtesy notices to remind you to return your materials so that others may enjoy them. Eligible items that are not on hold will be automatically renewed. If you have not already done so, ask about text and email reminders next time you are at the library!
Will I still be charged for printing and faxing?
Yes. Fees for printing, 3D printing, photocopying, and faxing help us cover the costs of providing these services.
I like to give a little donation to the library if I return my items late. May I still do this?
Yes! Donations to the Friends of the Wolcott Public Library will still be accepted at the main desk.
For any questions or concerns that you may have, please call our Circulation Desk at 203-879-8110 x2 or email wolcottref@yahoo.com.